Human Rights Policy
Innovation Mining Inc. respects the dignity, well-being, and human rights of our employees, our communities, our partners, our stakeholders, and all others within our sphere of influence. Our approach and commitment to human rights is based upon the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. These guiding principles will be applied through our commitments to:
Promote the protection of internationally recognized human rights with our stakeholders, governments, communities, employees, contractors, and suppliers, to warrant we are not complicit in human rights abuse.
Reject any form of oppression, forced or child labour or any other abnormal treatment of individuals or groups.
Respect the social, economic, and cultural rights of indigenous people.
Integrate respect for human rights in the Company’s business and operations.
Provide training to employees and stakeholders on respecting human rights so that they understand our role in human rights, and the need to build and foster strong and respectful links with our community partners as a fundamental part of our business.
Encourage that our leaders and managers are committed to creating a culture that upholds the protection of human rights as an integral part of the way we do business.
Consult with stakeholders to prevent and mitigate potential impacts on the obligation to human rights, and to support that this policy is effectively understood and implemented.
Commit to provide cooperation and support the remediation of impacts on human rights when they occur within our sphere of influence.
Support projects to advance the Sustainable Development Goals within our areas of influence.
Regularly review and audit our performance, and that of our supply chain, on human rights matters relative to our policies and standards and publicly communicate our performance on human rights matters.
Duane Nelson
President & CEO
Innovation Mining Inc.