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A fusion of low-cost mining methods and innovation...

Hydrometallurgical Extraction

Innovation Mining has developed a unique non-cyanide-based hydrometallurgical formula for use in it's operations.


The unique formula is sustainable, reusable, eco-friendly, and offers a low-cost, alternative to conventional formulas.


The Innovation Process involves the dissolution of the valuable metals into aqueous solution. The water-based, chemical reagent, dissolves and bonds with precious metals to create a stable metal complex which is extracted from solution using conventional methods such as electrowinning, carbon, or ion exchange.


It is a simple process and the solution operates at near-neutral pH levels, and ambient pressure and temperature. The technology is effective on most oxide or sulfide ores, concentrates, or tailings.

Bulk Heap Leaching and Vat Leaching Tests 

Innovation Mining has scheduled bulk on-site tests of the Innovation Formula (NSOL1) at its' Royal Vindicator Gold Mine (RV Mine) located 60 miles west of Atlanta Georgia in December 2023 thru February 2024.


The bulk tests involve  250 kg column leach tests, and several 500 tonne vat leach and on-off heap leach tests on run of mine mineralized material crushed to minus 3/4 inch. (photo to left)


The comprehensive suite of tests will compare the leach kinetics, recoveries, and economic analysis of the Innovation formula to a conventional cyanide based formula.

Operational Flow Sheet - Vat & Heap Leaching

Simplified Operation - Vat Leaching

  1. Load pad with ore (2,500 -10,000 tonnes)

  2. Flood pad with reagent/solution

  3. Rinse pad with fresh water

  4. Extract metals from solution

  5. Recycle rinse water

  6. Regenerate solution

  7. Unload pad

  8. Repeat

Low-Cost Mining Methods

Near- Surface Mining Focus

Surface bulk mining is generally the lowest-cost method to extract ore. This is because rock doesn’t have to be moved far up hill against gravity, equipment used can be larger and mining and ore transportation is easier and cheaper than underground.


The mines are designed and engineered to allow drilling and blasting of the orebody if necessary. To access the orebody in some cases, the overburden (rock, soil, and silt on top of the ore) must be removed 



Mineral Concentration

Gravity & Flotation Concentration

Concentration involves the separation of valuable minerals from the other raw materials. This is accomplished by taking advantage of the different properties of the minerals to be separated. These properties can be density (gravity separation), elutriation, magnetic or electrostatic separation, and physicochemical (flotation separation).


Innovation Mining may employ these cost-effective methods in conjunction with, or separately from, their Dynamic Vat Leaching process depending on the nature/composition of the target minerals.


The Company will select the necessary equipment from several reputable manufacturers, including; Sepro Systems, FLSmidth, Global Mineral Research, AviMetal, Multotec, and Gekko Systems.

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